Massage therapy is a method of healing that utilizes human touch to promote relaxation, relief of tension, and a greater lvel of well being. There are numerous methods and techniques of massage, ranging from the most gentle, superficial stimulation to deep, forceful manipulation of muscle groups. One of the many health benefits you receive through massage is the elimination of toxins. When blood circulation increases through message, it increases the oxygen to the cells and thus increases elimination of toxins. If you already get massages, you may have noticed that your nose gets stuffy during your session. You may have thought it was because your face was down in the face cradle but it’is more than that, it is the toxins building up and looking for a way to get out of the body. This is why it is very important to drink lots of water after a massage – to flush out the built up toxins. Massage is an effective way to increase the body’s receptivity to chiropractic alignment. Used before an adjustment to break-up scar tissue, warm and soften tight muscles, and afterward, to encourage the body to accept and retain the treatment. It not only promotes healthy circulation but it also promotes ease of movement, deep breathing, strong immunity, mental clarity, lowers stress and anxiety levels, reduces blood pressure, and shortens the healing time of injuries.

Reasons for Getting a Massage
One of the first things the therapist will want to know is why you are getting a massage. The therapist will wish to plan the session to address your needs and desires. The most common reasons for massage are:
General relaxation / revitalization
- Relief of Tension Headaches / stress management
- Relief of Sore or Tight Muscles
- General health and fitness
- Adhesion / Scare or Myofascial stretching
- Improved circulation
- Relief of General or Chronic Body Pain
- As a complementary therapy to other Health Care / Doctor Referred
Let the therapist know in the initial interview what you are looking for, and discuss how his approach can best help you.

Getting Your First Massage
You are joining a growing number of men and women who have found therapeutic massage to be a valuable addition to their health and fitness routines, and an effective complement to other health services. Many people seek therapeutic massage as a natural means to promote healthy body functioning, and to enhance the body’s own healing powers. As with any new experience, you may have questions about what to expect in your first massage session. We will attempt to answer some of the most frequently asked questions and make your first visit as comfortable, productive and safe as possible.
- Modesty: In a massage session, you will be covered with a sheet. You may choose to be totally or partially unclothed. As each part of the body is being massaged, it is uncovered. Genital areas and women’s breasts are covered at all times. Many people prefer to wear underpants or shorts during a massage. The choice as to how much or how little you are clothed is totally yours.
- Talking: Talking during a massage is optional. Some people prefer silence, especially if they are trying to reach a deeply relaxed state, while others like more social interaction. Always feel free to give the therapist feedback on anything causing discomfort. The therapist may request feedback from you, especially when addressing a specific physical problem.
- Oil: Our massage therapists use oil and crème that are all natural. Lubricants enable the hand to move easily over the skin. Please inform the therapist of any allergies to lavender or other natural additives.
- Make-up and Hair: Massage of the face, scalp, or neck may result in disturbing your makeup or hairstyle. Let the therapist know if this is a concern. The session may be modified to assure that make-up and hair remain in tact, or depending on your wishes, that part of the massage may be left out altogether.
- Pain: Whether you will feel any pain during a massage depends on many factors, including your physical condition, the reason for the massage, your pain tolerance, and the therapeutic technique. Discuss this before the massage, and give feedback to the therapist during the session. Tense muscles are often sore and may hurt a little when massaged. Sometimes soreness is delayed after a massage. This is a good sign that your body is ridding itself of toxins. Take a hot shower or bath and drink plenty of water to help remove waste products flushed out during a massage. This is especially important after the first massage. The more massages you receive, the less likely it is that you will experience post-massage soreness.
- Length of the Session: Massage sessions generally last from 1/2 hour to 1 1/2 hours. The amount of time depends on the purpose of the session.
- Restrictions: There are certain situations in which caution should be taken when receiving therapeutic massage. It is generally agreed upon that persons with uncontrolled high blood pressure, heart disease, recent surgery or fractures, phlebitis, fever, infections (especially those that can be spread by skin contact, i.e., bacterial, viral or fungal) need to consult their physicians for any restrictions on receiving massage. In other acute or chronic medical conditions, limited restrictions may apply, and in rare cases, massage should be avoided altogether. If in doubt, check with your doctor.
- Will My Insurance Cover It?: The services of a bodywork professional may be covered by health insurance when prescribed by a chiropractor or osteopath. Therapies provided as part of a prescribed treatment by a physician or registered physical therapist are often covered.
- Some General Advice: Be an active participant in your session. Ask questions about things you don’t understand, make your needs and wishes known, and let the therapist know if you are uncomfortable at any time. Above all, relax and enjoy your massage!